Quiet Small Dog Breeds – Yes They Exist!
Quiet small dog breeds? For most of us, it’s hard to imagine those words in the same sentence, let alone actually finding a dog that fits the bill. They do exist, though! If you’re looking for a dog that never barks, you’re likely going to be disappointed. Dogs naturally bark for many reasons. Whether it’s…
Gooby Comfort X Harness Review
This is the harness I’ve been using for the last couple years, and I’ve been really happy with it. I’ve only replaced it once, and not because it wore out, but because it was just getting old and icky looking despite washing. I was also just ready for a new color. Following is my Gooby Comfort…
How Do Flea Drops Work?
If you’ve never used flea drops before, or if you’re a new pet owner, you may be wondering how these little vials work and whether they’re truly effective. Spot on treatments are a really good option for controlling different types of pests like fleas, ticks and mosquitoes. But, believe it or not, not all drops…